As a Technology Strategist, my charter is to drive bold technologies to transform my organisation, deliver world-class technical innovation, know the external research community, know my organisation, and provide technical leadership. I thus spend a significant amount of my time looking for how to achieve that transformation through "innovation". With a smaller portion of my time, I present at a number of conferences on these strategies, their associated technologies, and how they can be applied to solve real-world problems.
One recent presentation was given at CloudCamp Hamburg. One of the reasons I chose to do so was to reach a new audience. The sessions at the event were quite good, focussing on developments in the business models, usage models and technologies of the Cloud. Yet, I read posts such as this one, and wonder that, based on my experience in Europe and the Americas, if there a) is a problem with the state of innovation in Europe, or rather, b) the taxonomy of innovation exemplified in the post is a problem in and of itself.
Anyone who has spent any time with me will know that I am not one for fussing about with taxonomies. I feel that, essentially, these are a tertiary consideration, and to be addressed after what I consider to be the 'real work of taking a concept from idea to reality. My personal opinion is that taxonomies are pedantry, used to constrain, limit and control the process of innovation, and are too often used as a device to be heard, rather than to solve any problems of significance. Yet, when I hear or read the use of the word 'innovation' or phrase 'big picture' to focus only on business models, and ignore usage and technology, think there's something amiss. If we limit 'innovation' to *exclude* usage and technology advances, we are truly advancing style over substance.
Most of the widely recognized innovations in history which have advanced the standard of living for many in modern civilisation arose from usage or technology innovation addressing very specific, detailed problems. The innovation may have encompassed a grand vision, but that vision arose from connecting the dots which started with solving a specific problem. To make the blanket claim that innovation is hindered by being too "busy nitpicking on time consuming details" makes as much sense as reality television. An artist worth the enduring attention of the public will need to have mastered the fundamentals of their craft; a reality 'star' will exit the spotlight in relatively short order (although not fast enough for some of us) since their recognition was purely situational, and they had not addressed any of the 'time consuming details' necessary to sustain any career in entertainment.
Based on my assumptions, the iPhone is 10% innovation and 90% evolution. The device has truly been innovative in its enablement of Augmented Reality - Apple improved a number of existing technologies such as touch screen, application integration and metadata management, to provide a usage model which was a step beyond the expectations of a mobile device. The innovation lay in how the individual technologies were deployed to provide a better (and now widely adopted/mimicked) usage model; the whole is greater than the sum of the parts. Yet even the improvements in the parts, not to say new usage model, required a foundation rooted in time consuming details. Ask any Apple engineer working on any of the technologies that were developed or revised, and they can attest to how much effort - deep in the bowels of hardware, software and/or user experience engineering - was required of each and every one of them to deliver them.
The innovation of Rich Internet Applications (RIA), and subsequently the Rich Services Cloud - something with which I have been intimately involved - arose from similar efforts. The underlying engines supporting this, such as Flash, had already been widely deployed for nearly a decade, but it was the understanding of the limitations of Web 1.0, at the level of nitpicking on time consuming details, married with the vision for a rich yet agile development and user experience, that drove the development of platforms such as Flex and Apollo/AIR, Silverlight, and now HTML5/Chrome. Each of these implementations of RIA innovation recognised that the real world, devil-in-the-detail problems of Web 1.0's fully remoted architecture were non-performant, did not scale, and limited the web experience to very simple, highly constrained models
Innovation is not in the vision itself, or in the nano-level details, but in how recognising the vision that can be realised from creating or enhancing bits at the level of time consuming detail, and successfully mapping them. Business across Europe may not have adopted North American-style Public Cloud, with its Lowest Common Denominator (LCD) user experience and generally coarse Service Level Agreements (SLAs), but that does not reflect their difficulty with innovation. Rather, it reflects that organisations across Europe have chosen to focus their energies solving some very important problems, after already bravely diving into related areas such as the Open Business Initiative wholly, and learning important lessons from such moves. Europe has proven itself truly innovative in business models, usage models, and technology, as exemplified in it's world-leading or -challenging development in areas of mobile, automation, and web, to name a few. European organisations have not been shy to embark on bold endeavours to transform their business and usage models by developing, adapting or adopting innovative technologies.
Likewise, I've encountered plenty of innovation in North America arising from the unabashed confrontation of time-consuming-detail problems presented by the challenges of Cloud Computing. There have been plenty of clever applications of Cloud, but no matter how cool they may be, the real innovation, in my definition, is in the usage models and technologies that have enabled them together with a number of not-so-cool apps. Throwing something on the Cloud with a slick interface and a minimal SLA isn't innovation. Developing the foundations for HTML5 and Native Client Libraries, developing MapReduce and Hadoop, developing image recognition algorithms that scale by shifting cycles across compute resources based on capabilities and utilisation - these mapped to new business and usage models is innovation.