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08 October 2009


Sam Johnston

"Singer said the CIA's IT department was moving in the direction of cloud computing, even if it wasn't using that term, when it widely deployed virtualization technology."

If it's virtualisation then why not just call it virtualisation and reserve cloud for instances where a third-party handles everything within the cloud (which, if you'll remember back to early networking diagrams, was how it was always intended).



That is one of the greatest misconceptions of the Cloud - that Cloud only consists of Third Party, Public services. Clouds can be Private or Hybrid as well as Public. Cloud Computing technically is the provision of "dynamically scalable and often virtualised resources as a service over the Internet on a utility basis."[1] This does not carry a notion from where these resources are provisioned. This is why the Cloud == Public Cloud misconception so skews one's understanding or the relationship of Cloud and Virtualization.
Virtualization provides the foundational layer for Cloud, whether Public, Private or Hybrid.

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