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04 August 2009


Alex Williams

But how do IT people even know what to see when it comes to cloud computing? People don't know the basic definitions for cloud computing terms.

Poor decisions are inevitable when the level of knowledge is so thin. Add on top of that what you describe and the results can be disastrous.

Charlton - I'd be interested in talking with you at some point about guest blogging on this topic.


Thanks, Alex. This is the heart of the problem. With the industry so opaque on Cloud, IT's understanding depends on what blog(s) they read, which vendors they work with - they will get different definitions from different parties. Without the proper level setting, any discussion on Cloud gets lost in a conceptual mismatch.
Despite the occasional negative reaction I receive for level setting, I insist on it because of this mismatch.
Let's talk further, let me know what works for you.

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