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24 May 2009


Jonah stein


Nice summary of the 3tera AppStore and why it is such an important announcement. I am just curious why you chose to link to Cnet instead of to http://www.3tera.com/AppStore/. The CNet article is pretty good, but the 3tera resource is like to evolve over time and be an evergreen link. I doubt the article will.

Kevin Ferrasci OMalley

Very thought provoking post.
As a long time small business owner two of my least favorite things to do has been 1) to invest in IT technology that I know will soon be obsolete and 2) try to keep all the systems integrated. So it seems that Cloud computing offers some real benefits to small business. That being said I think there are some real concerns over security and privacy that will need to be addressed before most of us will have enough trust to embrace these technologies. Hope you keep writing on this topic


Cheers - and good point. I should update this.

There are very good points to be made regarding security and privacy, principally the latter. The technology to address the security concerns either has been or is on the verge of being released. However, privacy is more a matter of policy than technology. With some providers scanning your content to target adverts, and certain organisations engaging in rather questionable practices, I expect that privacy will need to be further legislated before one can trust their data in the Cloud, multi-tenancy, etcetera.

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